COVID-19 Product & Underwriting Updates
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, life insurance companies have announced an unprecedented number changes to their life products and underwriting. These changes have altered the life insurance landscape like never before. While some of these changes have actually been beneficial – like increased death benefit amounts for Accelerated Underwriting and the introduction of new APS retrieval options – others have not been so favorable. Please use the resources below to guide you through the many changes that have been announced.
- Accelerated Underwriting Guidelines – overview of the various term, universal life and whole life accelerated underwriting programs we offer.
- COVID-19 Underwriting Restrictions – summary of current life insurance underwriting restrictions.
- COVID-19 Announcements – detailed listing of life insurance company product, underwriting and workflow changes.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information on any of the above or for assistance in structuring an application process for your clients to maximize social distancing.