National Life RetireMax Secure 5
Financial Ratings
A+ A.M. Best
A+ Standard & Poor’s
Issue Ages
Minimum Premium
Maximum Premium
Ages 0-70 $2,000,000
Ages 71-75 $1,500,000
Ages 76-80 $1,000,000
Ages 81-85 $500,000
Premium Types
NQ, IRA, 403(b), 457(b)
Surrender Period (5-Years)
7% – 7% – 7% – 6% – 5%
Does not restart after the initial guarantee period ends
Penalty-Free Withdrawals
Year 1 None
Years 2-5 10% of Accumulation Value
Years 6+ 100% of Accumulation Value
Death Benefit
Accumulation Value with no penalties
2.00% 0-80
1.50% 81-85
Eligible for quarterly bonus compensation.
RetireMax Secure 5 annuity, form series 7976. This advertising material is used by multiple states, some with varying form number requirements; therefore, all required variations are provided. Not all policies or riders are available in all states. Please check regarding availability in your state. National Life Group is a trade name of National Life Insurance Company, founded in Montpelier, VT in 1848, Life Insurance Company of the Southwest, Addison, TX, chartered in 1955, and their affiliates. Each company of National Life Group is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. Life Insurance Company of the Southwest is not an authorized insurer in NY and does not conduct insurance business in NY.